Harald Haarmann


Harald Haarmann is a former professor with a long-standing career in the groundbreaking field of multidisciplinary research on the civilization of Old Europe. Haarmann has been the vice-president of the Institute of Archaeomythology (with its main location in California) for twenty years, and being Finland-based, he functions as director of the Institute’s European Branch. He has published extensively on various topics of linguistics and cultural history and is well-known for his capacity to address, in speeches and writings, both the scientific and the general audience.


"The Danube Valley Civilization has brought much light into the history of humanity. It is historically very distant and perhaps only perceptible as a dim glow – but it is still a light. A light that westerners should be aware of when working on future models for the European Union, when cherishing the basic values of Western civilization or when discussing trends of globalisation."

— Harald Haarmann


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